
The School of Education is organized in four departments formed by academic communities that provide initial and further teacher training, research, consultancies, support to schools, and extension. The coordination and development of departments is supported by area directorates, whose function is to provide strategic guidelines and support in subjects of teaching, research, working experiences, postgraduate, and link with the environment.

Department of Primary and Early Education

Its work is focused on the pedagogical discussion of pre-school and primary teaching, as well as the difficulties of learning and their management, particularly in the area of language teaching approach. It is composed of programs of Early-Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Differential Education, and the Master in Language Didactics.
Head of the Department: Genevy Moreno Sajuria.

Department of English Education as Foreign Language

The department of English Education takes the challenge of teaching this language as second language, assuming the initial and further teacher training, through the programs of Pedagogy in English and the development of courses with specific purposes, which are imparted in all the programs of the Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Head of the Department: Mary Jane Abrahams.

Department of Secondary Education and Specific Didactics

This department addresses pedagogical subjects that are common in Secondary Education, and specific didactics as Mathematics and Sciences. The team provides support, in addition, in subjects linked to young people and pedagogy on their secondary education and the transition to higher education or the labor work. It is formed by the programs of Pedagogy in Mathematics, Biology and Natural Sciences, in addition to Pedagogy for Professionals and Master’s Degree in Mathematics Didactics.
Head of the Department: María Soledad Montoya González.

Department of Educational Policy and School Development

This department addresses educational policies and the development of the school system, with a special emphasis on the complexity of schools and their requirements in order to establish processes of continuous improvement. Its academics perform teaching functions in undergraduate programs, providing help in those subjects referred to the history of Chilean education, its policies, the challenges of educational management and leadership, among others. At the level of postgraduate, it provides the programs of Master’s Degree in Educational Policy and Master’s Degree in Educational Management and Direction.
Head of the Department: Leandro Sepúlveda.

Area Directorates

The area directorates of programs of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Research, Projects, International Relationships, and Great Agreements and Link with the Environment, advise the Dean and Heads of departments concerning the strategic development of each area, promoting the development of different activities defined for each one of them, and they work as link with the corresponding Academic Vice rector.

Roberto Vidal Cortés, Postgraduate Directorate
Ximena Poblete Núñez, Research Directorate
Fernando Maureira Tapia, School Outreach Directorate
Tatiana Cisterna León, Teaching Directorate
María José Valdebenito Infante, Projects Directorate
Cristóbal Madero Cabib SJ, International Relationships Directorate