Master’s Degree In Didactics of Experimental Sciences

The hallmark of the UAH Master’s Degree in Didactics of Experimental Sciences lies in the formation of teachers with a solid didactic knowledge of contents in the disciplinary areas of Biology, Chemistry, or Physics, in the context of formation of scientifically alphabetized citizens, abilities for the XXI century and sustainable development.

The Didactic Knowledge of the Content (DKC): “the amalgam between content and didactics”

Studying this program shall allow Science teachers to consider DKC in order to transform the contents of their specialty didactically into something teachable and understandable for their students, promoting the comprehensive development of knowledge, scientific abilities and attitudes for the formation of critical, reflexive, responsible, and democratic students in the XXI century. This formative proposal seeks that teachers can re-signify the sense of teaching sciences; question their own beliefs concerning science, and also their teaching and learning; test new strategies and, above all, reflect on their own practices and experiences within the classroom in a collaborative manner.

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