Our Masters and Ph.D. Programs in the School of Education contribute to the continuous training of teachers and other professionals who seek a deeper level of depth in different areas of education. They develop investigative skills, which help them to provide solutions and generate proposals for the challenges faced by the education system.
- Master’s Degree In Mathematics Didactics
Studying the Master’s Degree in Mathematics Didactics at the UAH, shall allow teachers to take responsibility of different aspects of their tasks related to mathematical and didactic knowledge, required for the preparation of their lessons, design, implementation, and evaluation of teaching-learning proposals, the analysis of text books, as well as theoretical approaches referred to mathematics learning.
Teaching to mathematize
In this sense, mathematical skills play an important role, whose development requires the necessary change of paradigm, from teaching mathematics to teaching how to mathematize through the generation of mathematical activities for students, which are meaningful and significant for them, preparing them to understand, to be present and to transform the world. Our postgraduate program strengthens the theoretical-practical discussion and reflection of Mathematics teachers contributing, in this way, to the enhancement of their work.
See website https://didacticamat.uahurtado.cl
- Master’s Degree In Language and Literacy Didactics
The Master’s Degree in Language and Literacy Didactics takes a socio-cultural approach that comprehends language as a continuum that becomes more complex, as education moves forward. In this context, this master’s degree has the main purpose of responding to the updating needs in didactics required by teaching in different educational levels, contributing, in this way, to quality and equality in Chilean education in the area of Language didactics. This program is designed for pre-school teachers, primary education teachers, secondary education teachers, and differential education teachers who work in the different fields of language formation.
New challenges set by interculturality
The study program of the Master’s Degree in Language and Literacy Didactics puts into perspective the new challenges set by interculturality within the classroom, as a product of the recent migratory phenomenon in our country. Likewise, this program offers flexibility in order that students can choose between deepening modules according to the school levels in which they wish to specialize, as well as take part in elective courses offered by other programs of the university.
See website https://didacticalenguaje.uahurtado.cl
- Master’s Degree In Educational Management and Direction
- The objective of the Master’s Degree in Educational Management and Direction is to provide professional training, allowing students to take part in the development of effective school management and direction practices and the development of professional skills in terms of direction.
During its progress, the analysis and reflection on concrete practices of school direction shall be emphasized, mainly the relations of school management/direction with leadership, teamwork, context, and development of opportunities, planning, and self-assessment and research-action.
Ten years of existence and more than 300 graduates
During its ten years of existence, more than 300 professionals have graduated from this program, many of which, today, work successfully as school managers. Being part of this master’s degree is a strong personal and professional challenge, as mentioned by a recent student graduated from the program: “Studying this master’s degree opened a new professional and labor horizon for me; it gave me valuable and useful theoretical and practical tools for my daily work as manager, but, above all, it helped me to be a better person”.
See website https://gestioneducacional.uahurtado.cl
- Master’s Degree In Educational Policy
The Master’s Degree in Educational Policy of the Universidad Alberto Hurtado is a program with more than one decade of existence and is unique in its type in the country. It is directed to those people with basic training in social sciences or education who wish to understand the functioning of our educational system, from its historical origins to the challenges of equality and quality present nowadays.
Interdisciplinarity to analyze complex problems in Education
This master’s degree raises the idea that both the Chilean educational system and their problems and eventual solutions are complex elements that must be analyzed in light of theories and concepts that emerge from diverse disciplines, such as sociology, economy, and education itself. We expect that those who wish to be part of this program might be able to advise decision makers in micro-social, meso-social or macro-social instances indicating, precisely, the complexity of the political-educational phenomenon and the more appropriate options to respond to their challenges.
See website: https://politicaeducativa.uahurtado.cl
- Master’s Degree In Didactics of Experimental Sciences
The hallmark of the UAH Master’s Degree in Didactics of Experimental Sciences lies in the formation of teachers with a solid didactic knowledge of contents in the disciplinary areas of Biology, Chemistry, or Physics, in the context of formation of scientifically alphabetized citizens, abilities for the XXI century and sustainable development.
The Didactic Knowledge of the Content (DKC): “the amalgam between content and didactics”
Studying this program shall allow Science teachers to consider DKC in order to transform the contents of their specialty didactically into something teachable and understandable for their students, promoting the comprehensive development of knowledge, scientific abilities and attitudes for the formation of critical, reflexive, responsible, and democratic students in the XXI century. This formative proposal seeks that teachers can re-signify the sense of teaching sciences; question their own beliefs concerning science, and also their teaching and learning; test new strategies and, above all, reflect on their own practices and experiences within the classroom in a collaborative manner.
See website https://cienciasexperimentales.uahurtado.cl
- Ph.D. Program
- The Ph.D program is the first one in the country which is implemented jointly by two universities: Universidad Alberto Hurtado and Universidad Diego Portales, providing students with a diverse academic and multidisciplinary group, with a recognized career in research and educational policies. The academic work of the doctorate program is focused on the development of four research lines: Educational Policies and Equality; School and Classroom: school leadership and management, pedagogical interactions and teaching-learning; Teachers: initial and further training, pedagogical knowledge and professional practices; and Education and Work: transition between school and labor world, and young careers.
See website https://doctoradoeducacion.cl