Seminario de Lengua Inglesa: Hybrid Culture In Postcolonial Literature

El Departamento de Inglés como Idioma Extranjero de la Facultad de Educación, le invitan al Seminario:


Dictado por Lusvic Torrellas, Master in English Literature Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela y PhD candidate/2018 in Cultura Latinoamérica y de Caribe at Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador de Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

Postcolonial literature provides a way for students to understand how the legacy of colonization has shaped former colonized people´s culture and identity. Nowadays, literary texts serve as a vehicle for students to interpret history in literature thanks to Postcolonial literature. The discourse of Postcolonial literature echoes not only the imperial process from the moment of colonization to the present day, but also conveys the representation of the new culture, considered by Post-colonial thinkers as hybrid culture.

Viernes 6 de octubre
18.00 a 20.00 hrs. / Sala A11 Almirante barroso 10, Metro Los Héroes.

Inscripciones con Ester Lopez  o Carlos Verdugo